Welcome to my blog! I'm Abu, short for Abuela. I'm married to the Professor. We live on a small hobby "farm" in the beautiful Fingerlakes Region of Central New York.
As long as I can remember, I have loved making things. I spin, knit, felt, sew, weave, embroider; well, just about anything fibery.
In addition to being a fiberist, I am also a shepherdess. The Fleeceful Kingdom is home to a small flock of Shetland sheep.
I'll be sharing my creative adventures, the joys of raising Shetlands, and about trying to live simply and sustainably.
"Just like the butterfly, I too will awaken in my own time." --Deborah Chaskin
I, too, am awakening. Finding my way. Following the path, one baby step at a time. I am off to Saori Worcester for an advanced class and will return at the end of the week.
Welcome to my blog! I'm Abu, short for Abuela. I'm married to the Professor. We live on a small "farm" in the beautiful Fingerlakes Region of Central New York. I'll be posting on my journey to create a more simple life way.
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